A Non-Creed: The Teachings of Under the Influence

2 realms: 
The realm of Revelation, bound by laws and time.
The realm of Mystery, lawless and timeless.
We are suspended, we live in both at once

The Theonoias: 
Theonoias are mental movements, units of subtle mental work.  The first theonoia is total rest, the mind of Christ.  We remain with him by remaining there.
  1. Pure perception
  2. Naming and Labeling
  3. Theorizing about how everything is connected

Four Gospel Seals

Four Humble Truths:
All life is Abstraction
All is in need of recapitulation (remaking in Christ)
The Vehicle of Recapitulation is the Body of Christ.
The Way of the Body of Christ is the Humble Tenfold Way.

The Humble Tenfold Way
Humble Prayer
Humble Presence 
Humble Intention
Humble Action
Humble Effort
Humble Speech
Humble Work
Humble Knowing
Humble Thinking
Humble Belief

The 7 Sense organs of the Body of Christ: 
When these collapse, Christ is actually present
Time—Collapses into now
Thought—Collapses into perception
Word—Collapses into self-description (as in lectio)
Contradiction—Collapses into paradox
Blame—Collapses into hurt
Desire—Collapses into need
Reality—Collapses into things as they are

The Spiritual Stages
Dark Night of the Senses
Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Self
Heaven, Divinization

The 5 Pillars of Catholicism 
(The obligations of Every Catholic)
Practice of the Presence of God
Seasonal Awareness

Tantric Disciplines
1. Pointing attention: finding the center of the creative tension and staying there
2. The Gospel will teach itself: letting go of things because you value them and have used them as well as you can
3. Recapitulation: Working with energies, sensations, emotions and thoughts as they change and nuance.
4. Grief that leads to deep-rooted impermanence.
5. Watching inner family work become trinitarian deity meditation
6. Four Humble Truths, Four Gospel Seals, Humble Tenfold Way: All beliefs and believers are totally impermanent
7. entheogens for ego reduction: Rare mystagogical use of entheogens, for  ego reduction and with the goal of transforming and faciliating sober life.
8. ego yoga: Putting up and taking down ego boundaries at will, not out of compulsive defensiveness.  This is the discipline by which we internalize Christ.
9. Seeing the linkage between the "layers": each thought comes with emotion, each emotion comes with a sensation, each sensation comes with energy, uniting with the energy frees from ego.
10. Suspension: between opposites till contradiction becomes paradox and frees from ego

Tantric Truths
Abandon the Narrative (stop feeding the you who judges.)
Stop othering Energy
The Flaw is the Way: pay attention to what you’re averse to.
Mystery is Revelation and Revelation is Mystery.
Revelation is Revelation and Mystery is Mystery.
I am, and there is no other: There are no others,
Now is the only time
Here is the only place
All potential is realized
Sound and Sensation and Energy are one.
God will be all, and in All: you are already all you need to be.
Denial and Acceptance are one.

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