Helpful Precedents for reading these Koans are in the following posts. Steps in Solving Koans, On the Logos: Christian Koans Part I, Christian Koans Part II. Good luck!
Case 38: Fr. Mark Extends his finger
Br. Adam’s Introduction: This is not a question of whether, like the virgins (whose lamps either contained oil or lacked it), we ourselves are wise or foolish. Christ comes, (and indeed, he is already here,) whether we are ready to accept him or not. What does readiness look like? See the following.
Main Subject:
Fr. Mark said “Without preparation and context, accepting Rabbouni—who is, himself, the experience of contemplation—this can be too shocking to be constructive. Remember Bartimaeus: He saw Jesus and was glad, but the way he shouted for Jesus tells us why: he’d already accepted he was the “Son of David.” On the other hand, in Bethsaida, when Jesus leads a blind man out of the city, puts saliva on his eyes and lays hands on him, the man only says “I can see people, but they look like trees, walking.” True vision requires Jesus to touch him a second time. [bxA]
Fr. Mark said “Preparation and context can’t force God’s hand, but they can make us ready to accept him when he arrives. This is mainly a process of ego reduction. When the scripture speaks of “uncircumcised ears”, it means that a person hearing with his ego can receive no gospel. Silence deconstructs the ego directly: it is the pierced side of Christ. But sometimes students need a stranger on the road to open the scripture to them, need to feel their hearts burning within them. They need to contend with that part of themselves that won’t believe unless they put their fingers in the wound in his side.”
The Novice said “Why, then, does the scripture not mention Thomas actually putting his fingers in Christ’s side? Christ allowed it, showed his open wound, so why didn’t Thomas touch it?”
Fr. Mark walked over to the novice, looking at him intently. He extended his finger, and touched the novice’s chest. The novice had a sudden realization.
Br. Adam’s Verse:
Acceptance, a radiant seal of the Gospel!
Time is past or present until we accept that it is now.
Even the motionless go hither and yon until
Accepting that “Here” is the only place
Desire, weaned from its objects, is true desire,
And thought, emptied of Self, leads to reality.
If, before retiring for the night,
you want to find the ladder to the heavens,
Clear the ground you sleep on:
The ladder is within you!
Case 39: Fr. Mark’s “What is the field?”
Br. Adam’s introduction: During the Passover, the Lord did not entrust himself to the crowds, because he knew what is in all people. The demon proclaimed him King, and the Lord silenced him. After witnessing his deeds of power, the Lord ordered his disciples to tell no one. When Pilate asked if Jesus was a king, Rabbouni said “You say I am a king.” How will it be for those who live in the Realm of Mystery, and have found total acceptance?
Main Subject:
Sitting among a group of young monks, Fr. Mark said, “Recall the story of the treasure in a field. A man finds a treasure in a field, re-buries it, then sells all he has to buy the field. My question is, what is the field?
A postulant in the back immediately raised his hand, his fingers wiggling. “Is it the monastic life?” he said.
Fr. Mark said “It is as you say it.”
Br. Adam’s Verse:
At an unexpected hour,
When the son of Man comes,
he will find monks praying the hours.
When all meet the Lord in the air,
He will find monks working diligently at their tasks.
At the end of all things,
where is the earth on which
he will he find faith?
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